Current Adventure:
Fritterly '08
2000 miles of Sun, Sea & Cheese

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Fritterly - Day 1-4

Greetings from France! The keyboard on this computer is very strangley arranged so this will be a brief post to let everyone know that we are alive. Also we havent had breakfast yet!

So far we have covered 250km and are currently in Ancenis - a town in the Loire valley, 30kms east of Nantes. In the past 4 days we passed through St. Malo, Dinan, Forét de Montfort (where we camped in the wild!), Grand Fougeray and Ancenis. I think that we have eaten our body weight in cheese and croissants but havent felt our appetite for them wane yet. The weather has been mixed but has been good enough to give me pink knees! Jody just soakes it all up as usual...

We aim to be in La Rochelle by Friday evening where the plan is to not really do any cycling for a couple of days. This should hopefully give us the chance to do some proper blog posts but until then this is all you are getting! We have croissants to eat after all...

J and C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there you two. I am envious I could do with some sun and some cheese! Just one question - how come all of your adventure photos feature food? xxx Penny {{-.-}}